1. Your review must refer to your genuine experience and you must be over 162. Only HelpHound will see the email address you give and will use that and your name and any password you use solely for the purpose of processing your post, includinga. verifying and moderating you and your postb. alerting you to the status of your post (eg 'live')c. messaging you privately about your post, if necessary, before it is 'live'It will not be used for any other purpose or passed to a third party3. If 'live', any name you give, your scores and your review will be publicly visible. Any part of your review marked as 'will not be shown' will only be visible to HelpHound and to the business reviewed4. Your data will be held indefinitely on our secure servers in the USA, certified as UK and EU compliant for these purposes. You have the right to ask HelpHound to confirm what data we hold and to have it amended or permanently deleted at info@helphound.com5. You can complain to the Information Commissioner's Office at ico.org.uk about how your data is processed by HelpHound.